Saturday, July 2, 2011

Avoiding infection

Almost all IPs contain some bacteria. Studies show that they are the same types that occur in the large bowel but apparently the pouch and bacteria have reached a truce and they don’t usually cause infection. That truce does get broken occasionally and most IP-ers can expect to have a UTI eventually. Here are some thoughts on minimizing infection. We'll cover cranberry and other products another time.
            Use disposable catheters whenever possible. Medicare patients are eligible to receive up to 200 catheters per month. (Tips on care of reusables in a future blog.)
            Drain the pouch as completely as possible every time.
            Follow your doctor’s orders regarding irrigation. Most recommend it daily.
Maintain extreme cleanliness of the irrigation syringe. Although I have seen recommendations for using a turkey baster, the bulb is difficult to clean and can’t be visually inspected. I re-use “disposable” syringes for about a week, rinsing them first in tap water and then in a 50-50 vinegar solution after each use.
Gloves are not necessary but thorough handwashing is a must. A hand sanitizer adds to protection but handle the catheter and syringe carefully anyway.

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