Tape causing irritation around the stoma?
Some persons are sensitive to the adhesive material on paper tape or bandages. Applying a thin coating of over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone cream is usually all that it takes to reduce the redness and irritation. Stronger steroid creams might work a little better and faster but they are more likely to cause thinning of the skin over time.
Hydrocortisone cream relieves a myriad of skin problems but it shouldn’t be overused. Like any medication, use only as much as is necessary to fix the problem.
Yeast infections near the stoma are more likely in persons with diabetes. Using hydrocortisone cream might relieve the redness a little but it is not likely to clear it completely. Sometimes a yeast infection will be characterized by “satellite” lesions about a millimeter in diameter at the margins of the affected area.
If any readers have some other thoughts on this topic, please respond. We welcome your input.
careful use of ostomy products is crucial for stoma health